Thursday, December 10, 2015

Backbends Pranayama and Shopping

Today was backbends

She will show how to prepare for backbends with no props, normally she would use chairs but they dont have them here

Tadasana - backarch in all arm positions, lift the sternum chest, look at the ceiling, eyes open
1 paschima namaskar
2 hold upper arms behind back above elbows - arch back, if there is dizziness, straighten the head re-extend the cervical neck and take the head back
3 gomukasana arms - arch back the top arm should be behind the ear

Parsvottanasana - paschimo namaskar, upright only, arch back look at the ceiling

prasarita padottanasana - concave only

Tadasana - prone on belly, extend the arms over the head palms down, extend through the armpits, then the palms face each other, extend through the little finger side of the hand

salabhasana - extend legs, interlock fingers behind back , take arms back beside body, don't take the legs way up so maintain the buttocks spreading

bhujangasana - she is teaching it because everyone says its not taught so there now it has been taught

eka pada dhanurasana - 1 hand on floor other hand reaches back to grab ankle, other arm

dhanurasana - both arms, lift higher

adho mukha natarajasana - continuing the work of gomukasana,  belt foot/ankle with looped belt, bend leg, reach the legs hand forward and do the upper arm of gomukasana to reach back and grab belt loop, other hand presses down, press hand down lift up, straighten the arm holding belt loop, knee comes off floor, bring floor hand in closer lift, straighten arms, lift  again: make belt loop smaller

 now both hands, grab belt, straighten arms, knee lifts from floor

parsva sirsasana
parsvaikapada sirsasana
upavistha konasana in sirsasana

ustrasana - people can bend the spine backward/forward but the body is narrow, you need to give space, spread the buttocks lift the sternum go back touch heels 3x

urdhva dhanurasana - 2x  stack 2 foam blocks vertical (spineways) add folded blanket on top, lay torso on stack head off feet on floor, go up, be on legs,
(the above pic is the setup we are using for seated pranayama, only horizontal, 2 foam blocks with a blanket on top as shown above)

sarvangasana - no variations
no savasana - short break then pranayama, she started with savasana

savasana - roll 3 blankets, large roll place on foam for knees , another foam for heels, blanket for head

 supine pranayama setup - 2 foam blocks stepped, blanket for the head, ignore everything else in the pic

 Music presentation in the afternoon which was wonderful, Geetaji was sitting right by Winnie and Tatyana

 Tatyana's Russian friend Katya

 Tabla and Violin

Shopping at Either Or and Fab India then back to the hotel for dinner

a wonderful day

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