Pune - Balewadi - Wednesday
At the event. Becky and Tatyana
Wonderful class, we did standing and some seated forward bends, a break then inversions
here's the sequence as i remember it:
adho mukha virasana
adho mukha svanasana
trikonasana - in uttanasana she did not say to move the dent of the buttocks in because it was a resting pose but here bring the dents in
ardha chandrasana
virabhadrasana I
virabhadrasana III - arms up, lay torso on thigh, go forward, the face/head must move forward, again: arms straight out to sides, lay torso on thigh, fly forward
upavistha konasana
malasana - feet spread apart, extend forward, again: toes/heels together, extend forward hold ankles
janu sirsasana - calf rotation opposite virasana
triangmukhaikapada paschimottanasana - take the bent leg arm to hold foot, hold with other hand and go forward
break then inversions, in urdhva dandasana she said buttocks to heels to come to the pose from sirsasana, then to bring the feet down to the floor from there it reverses to heels to buttocks
the afternoon presentation was a film from a class Guruji taught, Geetaji would stop the film, take questions and clarify
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