Saturday, December 12, 2015


Tatyana is very popular with the puppies when carrying food for them

 Rita, Tatyana's friend from Russia, and Max - Max is a regular at Yoganusasanam, Rita was pregnant with him at last years event
 Tatyana Rita and Max
 Supine practice to prepare for pranayama - the following setup was used for all the supta asanas, 2 foam blocks stacked vertical (spineways) with a folded blanket on top of top foam and a blanket for head
Supta Swastikasana - on setup, arms beside torso/foam
Supta baddha konasana - on setup, 2 belts 1 on each ankle/upper thigh, arms beside torso/foam
Supta Virasana -  on setup

Upavistha Konasana
Padmasana - from upavistha konasana take right leg in, place foot toward inner thigh at the groin crease but toes should be on top thigh
Parvatasana in Padmasana - interlock fingers, arms up
Padmasana - other cross
Parvatasana in Padmasana

Matsyasana - supta padmasana on setup, hands interlock arms overhead, lengthen, then keeping arms overhead palms face each other, extend, come up other cross, extend arms overhead interlock then palms face each other

Sirsasana - no variations, she is tired of saying mid buttocks forward, the fear complex is there

Eka Pada Sarvangasana - from halasana, lift right leg, lift left leg
Sarvangasana - no variations, take hands away from back, buttocks in lift back body, hands back on 

Setu Bandha on Height - 2 foam blocks stacked, 4 blankets triple fold stacked, sit on edge bring shoulders to mat, straighten legs be on heels
Virapaksha demoed this for me :)


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