Saturday, December 6, 2014


Happy Birthday Geetaji!

A lovely day, lovely day, lovely day....

I will add a few notes they don't come close to her brilliant instruction and they are probably wrong :) especially since I can't even read my writing but to give an ide, we did all of these multiple time adding experiencing seeing but here's a taste...enjoy

Eka Pda Pavanmuktasana - Bend 1 leg, hold shin, the 2 legs are like a married couple, they must both fulfill their roles
Supta Padangusthasana I - Belt around front heel back arch where you can feel the bone move toward the socket, elbows on ground then hold near foot
Supta Padangusthasana II - Belt around front heel, 1st keep pelvis even 2nd time hold mat with  left l hand while taking foot to floor then work to level pelvis
Upavistha Konasana
Parvritta Upavistha Konasana - Upright turn hand to outer thigh other behind hold mat
Parsva  Upavistha Konasana - take hand to outer claf then outer foot, took elbow to floor on outer leg, then hand to outer calf outer foot see what do the hand placements give
Marichyasana III - Bring arm around on exhale, then lean way over allow other hip to lift, body side arm straight lean, do namaste bow down lean then set the arm and sit back
Sirsasana - thumbs - thumb cross, if fingers are short the tips of the thum can touch but she doesn't want to see thumbs straight up, you can do that when drinking after class :) Not a backbend not a forward bend it's tadasana
Sarvangasana - don't be a question mark shape, the last minute of being in the pose do your best, don't be dishonest with yourself
No savasana

Yesterday when we were at the institute we were looking at plates from LOY to purchase 8x10 for 250 Rps each, there was a book of photos of Guruji on the desk and the woman at the desk could see we were a little excited, and said oh how i miss Guruji he used to come by this desk and look at this book and say 'who is that handsome man' and i would say 'you don't know him Guruji? I know him very well'

Beautiful pranayama practice with a lot of instruction on Jalandhara Bandha

The afternoon was a talk by Birjoo and a movie filmed interview of Guruji with archival photos and video

then to an Indian rock concert, well Masters of Percussion with Zakir Hussain and they rocked

Ready to leave the hotel for the venue

The main mode of transport for concert going

No gate numbers, you enter by price of ticket

The group and some man sitting by the group

The group and whats his name

Zakir Hussain playing the tabla on the right


Wonderful we walked back in the hotel saying tatatittitittita.... :)

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