Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day4 of the intensive

 Amazing day of asana and pranayama, but first some pics...

 Texans, used to be Texans and shoulda been Texans

Randy, Tatyana, Greg, Cheryl, Melissa, me, David

David, Greg, Jennie, John Schumacher, Clark, Melissa, Me, Randy, Tatyana

David, Greg, Jennie, John Schumacher, Clark, Melissa, Me, Randy, Tatyana
Tatyanas new Russian friends at lunch

 I remembered something Geetaji said previously 'We read and hear words and try to find the experience, Guruji had the experience then found the words'

 She showed an amazing correction, I just think everyone will love the dvd's this is just phenomenal I can't believe we are going to have all this to watch and practice and the chanting and stories and ....
Oh yes I was going to tell you about the correction, we did urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, she called a man up who had back pain, his back was rounded and he was pinching his lower back but he was working, she had him use tall blocks and press more through his right hand and had Abhi hold a block under his lifted thigh, she worked with patience and it took time but it just all came together,  it evolved and  his back just relaxed and straightened.

 Today she said 'The way children write is correct, they slowly and with awareness form each letter of the alphabet because it is new, we just write'.

 We worked a lot on horizontal openness. Yesterday and today she has us doing sarvangasana on 4 white blankets but we fold them all in half again, really nice. In halasana walk in and lift the top abdomen off the thoracic...and many more bits of wonderfulness

  There was a short break then pranayama class. In the seated Ujjayi she said to inhale from the back ribs in and up to the sternum. We then did Bhramari with head down, then inhale with head down and exhale with head straight, then inhale and exhale with head straight.

 This is the first time that I have thought of this community as a family, but being here and them sharing their loss and speaking of all of our loss and sharing stories it really feels we are all part of something so special. 

 Lovely dinner with Rose and Julie at the veg restaurant at the hotel, great company and food.

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