Sunday, January 25, 2015

Laurie Saturday

As designated sequence writer, here's what i have with some help from mary :), let me know, another wonderful day of yoga in austin with the amazing laurie blakeney

Sat AM
vajrasana - gomukasana arms

dandasana - roll mat place horizontal in front of sit bones,  still sit bones on floor, back dropping knees slightly bent like some beginners, now press femur down into roll sit bones in air lift back body straighten legs, 3x

anantasana – line body, crawl arm forward, bend elbow hand behind ear look up, press deltoid down as if someone standing on deltoid, foot on inner thigh press with heel moving thigh into floor raise toe mound to press more strongly through heel, then hold toe with 2 fingers thumb not just hanging on with 2 fingers extend include extending with thumb, the foot stretches the arm, again: belt foot extend foot overhead circular through buttocks leg

parvrtta supta padangusthasana – anantasana take top leg forward hold outer foot with down arm and move shoulder toward foot to bring opposite shoulder down, extend other arm, keep hips perpendicular, arms active, upper arms still externally rotates

Jathara Parivartanasana - knees bent down to elbow, exhale on both going down and coming up, keep legs together again: legs straight to go down bent to go up, again: choose either knees bent down up, legs straight down bent up or straight down up

virasana – parvattasana

parvrtta trikonasana – as you go down keep top arm up and rotate as twist so hand faces the other direction, bottom arm slow underhand pitch, tall block may be better for shoulder movement, again: top hand on hip then raise

parivrtta ardha chandrasana – where is the top leg is it moving back, when bring the leg down look at foot placement, is it still centered, lower block for this
utkatasana – keeping shoulders over hips bend where possible, then can lean to ben more thighs parallel to floor, again: hold block between hands
prasarita padottanasana – hands under shoulders, hands in line with feet straight arms palms down which arm is harder give it a head start, head down, again without moving hands straighten arms

parsvottanasana - hands on blocks, again: hold wrist of front leg side to help move shoulder back don’t overdo, kiss shin, again: gomukasana arms don’t drop elbow keep in line with head


Sat PM

Swastikasana  - q&a  

Supta baddha konasana– narrow block between feet, belt feet around low sacrum,  vertical bolster blanket for head, pranayama

Supta Virasana - choose either supta virasana, supta padmasana or supta swastikasana, if you chose supta virasana think of the breath going in a vertical column for padmasana or swastikasana think of a triangle towards the perineum
Supta Padangusthasana I – lowest block at wall have belt, press feet into wall inner heels extend femur thighs down, lift leg, have leg perpendicular, pull leg over head with both arms straight don’t pull so much down extend overhead like a rubber band slowly you don’t want it to break, how much did down leg femur move up to do this, keep pressing foot into wall thigh down
Supta Padangusthasana III – holding strap near foot bend knee to side, have elbows out to side, straighten torso, hold foot have foot shin near body, lift head shoulders take elbow behind head, keep pressing foot into wall thigh down
Supta Padangusthasana II – straighten leg take out to side keep pelvis level, have ball of toes beyond heel , keep pressing foot into wall thigh down

Uttanasana - sit bones to wall, lean into wall, hold ankles or hold elbows, again: face wall, stand close to wall about 1 ½ foot distance bend down back on wall, hold ankles repeat both changing distance from wall you choose

eka pada sirsasana – come down change cross then
parsva eka pada sirsasana
eka pada sarvangasana
parsvaikapada sarvangasana
halasana –
take belt off
nirlamba I
– it helps to not use so many blankets for steadiness
nirlamba II

savasana – open blanket from sarvangasana fold, roll long, sit on end lay back heels on floor shoulders on either side, watch how the body leans which shoulder closer to floor even though both shoulders elevated, arms legs narrow to notice more imbalances, see imbalances and inability to totally let go

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