Laurie Blakeney's Friday night class
wonderful! here's what i remember which may perhaps possibly be close to what was taught
Feet/ankle work:
vajrasana - press heels together to drop the inner thighs down, parvatasana in vajrasana
vajrasana with 1 foot on top of arch of other - this is a lot of fun
then toes toward each other ankles away
virasana - long blanket trifold horizontally across feet with feet well outside hips so hips sit down between feet, blanket gives more width
virasana - belt across top thighs then under ankles and buckled over thighs pull tight to help femur move down, drop away from belt, hands Shanmukhi Mudra
padmasana work:
legs up wall - 1 leg behind other like swastikasana on wall other leg padmasana, if knee far from wall move slightly away from wall, extend hips away from groins, extend the knees toward wall on the retention after the exhale. other leg, repeat, then both legs arms overhead holding elbows, cut the abdomen in on exhale, dont lose on inhale
horizontal bolster, padmasana with knees on bolster - start with knees bent feet on bolster then padmasana arms overhead holding elbows, cut the abdomen in on exhale
vertical bolster with blanket for head - sit on floor about 4 in from bolster supta padmasana, if knees arent even add blanket under lower thigh to level
adho mukha svanasana
slanted blocks at wall - hands on blocks extend back hips to feet straightening arms, come up to ams raising both knees at the same time, lift heels then lower heels
measure for ardha adho mukha vrksasana , sit on floor feet to wall, flex toes to wall for measurement so legs move toward hips when up, place hands feet like uttanasana near hands bend knees hop think about landing back on floor same place silently, then hands remain where they are take feet to wall hip height be there then small hop on wall let feet hope off wall and come back to wall silently
slanted blocks at wall - hands fingers point to floor on blocks extend back hips toward feet straightening arms, come up to adho mukha svanasana raising both knees at the same time, lift heels then lower heels
bharadvajasana - sit on block side to wall, feet away from wall, feet side hand under opposite knee fingers toward legs, press down straighten arm hold block in other hand on wall, turn press block pressing other hand down to move shoulders away from wall, repeat with foot cross arch of virasana foot instead of below, wrap toes around foot
pada hastasana - stand on blanket, hands under feet separate forefinger middle finger so whole hand can go way under feet straighten arms straighten legs
sirsasana - make T with blocks, tall block a little from wall flat block on top of tall block, fingers around tall block not gripping pressing wrists strongly into floor, blanket for head place head on blanket under top block, lift knees walk in pressing block evenly into back, go up keep heels on wall, you can bend knees slightly to help moving buttocks up
sarvangasana - fold mat in half at wall, sarangasana blankets on edge away from wall, feet on wall no strap, lift pressing heels to toes come to top of shoulders, sarvangasana walk hands down, then lifting take feet to wall up and over, walk feet down lifting buttocks more with each step, wrists should be ready back up to sarvangasana repeat
parsva sarvangasana - move setup away from wall have space for falling out as an option , move hand up to buttocks and then lower arm to blankets, don't turn too far, line elbows torso legs ankles
pranayama - supine, block under sternum blankets for head higher than block
i love the way she explains things, good morning day 2!
wonderful! here's what i remember which may perhaps possibly be close to what was taught
Feet/ankle work:
vajrasana - press heels together to drop the inner thighs down, parvatasana in vajrasana
vajrasana with 1 foot on top of arch of other - this is a lot of fun
then toes toward each other ankles away
virasana - long blanket trifold horizontally across feet with feet well outside hips so hips sit down between feet, blanket gives more width
virasana - belt across top thighs then under ankles and buckled over thighs pull tight to help femur move down, drop away from belt, hands Shanmukhi Mudra
padmasana work:
legs up wall - 1 leg behind other like swastikasana on wall other leg padmasana, if knee far from wall move slightly away from wall, extend hips away from groins, extend the knees toward wall on the retention after the exhale. other leg, repeat, then both legs arms overhead holding elbows, cut the abdomen in on exhale, dont lose on inhale
horizontal bolster, padmasana with knees on bolster - start with knees bent feet on bolster then padmasana arms overhead holding elbows, cut the abdomen in on exhale
vertical bolster with blanket for head - sit on floor about 4 in from bolster supta padmasana, if knees arent even add blanket under lower thigh to level
adho mukha svanasana
slanted blocks at wall - hands on blocks extend back hips to feet straightening arms, come up to ams raising both knees at the same time, lift heels then lower heels
measure for ardha adho mukha vrksasana , sit on floor feet to wall, flex toes to wall for measurement so legs move toward hips when up, place hands feet like uttanasana near hands bend knees hop think about landing back on floor same place silently, then hands remain where they are take feet to wall hip height be there then small hop on wall let feet hope off wall and come back to wall silently
slanted blocks at wall - hands fingers point to floor on blocks extend back hips toward feet straightening arms, come up to adho mukha svanasana raising both knees at the same time, lift heels then lower heels
bharadvajasana - sit on block side to wall, feet away from wall, feet side hand under opposite knee fingers toward legs, press down straighten arm hold block in other hand on wall, turn press block pressing other hand down to move shoulders away from wall, repeat with foot cross arch of virasana foot instead of below, wrap toes around foot
pada hastasana - stand on blanket, hands under feet separate forefinger middle finger so whole hand can go way under feet straighten arms straighten legs
sirsasana - make T with blocks, tall block a little from wall flat block on top of tall block, fingers around tall block not gripping pressing wrists strongly into floor, blanket for head place head on blanket under top block, lift knees walk in pressing block evenly into back, go up keep heels on wall, you can bend knees slightly to help moving buttocks up
sarvangasana - fold mat in half at wall, sarangasana blankets on edge away from wall, feet on wall no strap, lift pressing heels to toes come to top of shoulders, sarvangasana walk hands down, then lifting take feet to wall up and over, walk feet down lifting buttocks more with each step, wrists should be ready back up to sarvangasana repeat
parsva sarvangasana - move setup away from wall have space for falling out as an option , move hand up to buttocks and then lower arm to blankets, don't turn too far, line elbows torso legs ankles
pranayama - supine, block under sternum blankets for head higher than block
i love the way she explains things, good morning day 2!
thanks for these great notes.