Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tatayana's restorative class

 Tatyana's restorative class needs a restriction: must have designated driver to participate.
Here is some of what she taught:

  I am fuzzy on the order and have left out some but here's what i can remember of a lovely class,

  virasana - have chair behind, invocation in virasana then chair behind, block on seat chair seat edge at bottom of shoulder blades, extend back hold chair back bar corners elbows to side to open chest

 several times during class we did some arms breath movements

 baddha konasana in sarvangasana on the chair (p134 of arunji's book) sit on chair like a normal person then stick head under bar and take shoulders to bolster head on blanket feet to baddha konasana on chair seat

backbend - i have done this a few times in her restorative and thought it was nice but last night i did not want to come out, 2 chairs facing seat edges touching as close as possible, mat across both seats bolster across both seats then another thicker bolster perpendicular on first bolster, have setup arms length from wall, sit on mid-room side end of bolster feet wide extend back over bolster hands wide fingertips on wall, as back adjusts straighten legs

sirsasana (p123 of arunji's book) with 2 chairs facing each other side chairs to wall, enough room between chair seat edge for neck and rolled mats on edge for tops of shoulders, went up with palms flat sirsasana II and then relaxed arms tops of hands on chair seats

bishmacharyasana - 5 blocks 2 bolsters, have fun, jk, a tall block under head dorsal sacrum 2 under heels and 2 bolsters 45 degress up close to dorsal block for arms, have bolsters pulled up close when in the asana, belt shins, once bishmacharyasana has stopped showing you every imbalance in your body with a megaphone, totally relax, this was the longest i had been in this asana, once we were there she read from Geetaji's book on ujayii then quiet while we practiced

pranayama - 2 flat blocks side by side vertical then blankets trifolded for head above blocks, she read from Geetaji's book on each ujayii before we did 5 breaths of each ujayi

savasana - started with her lovely chanting of the first 10 sutras

deep relaxation

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Backbends sunday with Laurie

we chanted 'om shantosha' 3x while in urdhva dhanurasana which was lovely with the vibration of the group taking the mind away from staying and just being. A wonderful 3 days so glad i went.

Sun AM


parsva swastikasana - take 1 foot into swastikasana way in foot back to blankets not under knee, other leg same, turn then go over knee release head release forearms to floor turn the palms up you aren’t pressing with the hands, other side, forward, again: other cross


ardha padmasana - take 1 foot into padmasana, other leg swastikasana but foot under knee, turn then go over knee release head, other side, forward, again: other cross – these are needed for yoga madrasana


malasana – prep, squat, feet separated, height under heels if needed, rock slowly bring shins forward then back

paripurna navasana –deep groin fold, have a deep keel

ardha navasana – lengthen groin, put forefingers on top thigh thumbs on waist, as you go to the pose this distance grows, lengthen the front groin until you tilt back, this is a raft, effort in the upper abdomen

adho mukha svanasana


pincha mayurasana prep – mat to wall, triple fold sarvangasana blanket long at wall, prone, hold block between forefingers thumbs, forearms on wall, elbows at wall on blanket, palms should be flat on wall but may drop block, extend away keeping elbows at wall, again: partner – partner holds block which takes the worry off it falling then partner places hand on doers upper back between shoulders or where needed and gently press toward waist not down to ground, partner should not be torqueing and forcing just move that down gently, I had some shoulder pain in one shoulder on my own and this totally took it away duh

ardha pincha mayurasana – measure place elbows where hips were hold block, take feet to wall toe balls only heels off wall, again: partner, partner sits in front feet on doers shoulders press to keep them from moving forward not to move them back

pincha mayurasana – slide heels up wall then take 1 foot off then other

parsva sirsasana

utkatasana – tailbone straight down, me move groin back don’t puff pelvis forward 


makrasana – elbows close forward, extend elbows up and over

bhujangasana => urdhva mukha svanasana => chataranga – have swastikasana fold blanket for top of feet on floor to slide, movement snake snake snake dog (slide forward) dog dog chataranga chataranga chataranga

dhanurasana – shins back then up, knees together shins together heels together toes together last, again: roll blanket hang feet over slanted block mid roll, hold block with feet, raise grab ankles or belt ankles grab belt, shins back then lift, again: no block

urdhva dhanurasana – mat at wall 2 flat blocks, feet on blocks buttocks as close to feet as possible, long fold blanket for top of head, lift pelvis knees to wall keep there come to top of head, come up knees at wall, repeat while up chanted ‘om santosha’ 3x again: no blocks blanket for head if wanted, wrist at wall forearms at wall come to top of head, come up keeping forearms on wall, again: away from wall 3x on 3rd time think only of stability staying 

nirlamba sarvangasana – blankets set where head fits between wall and blankets, find a point on wall high where you want tops of feet to land look higher, then holding mat with hands go up taking tops of feet to wall, come down again tops of feet to high place on wall

sarvangasana – feet off wall perpendicular use the wall to find where not leaning

nirlamba sarvangasana – back to wall

karnapidasana – bring shins feet down wall hold ankles or place hands on wall buttocks toward heels, hold mat roll out

savasana – 2 options, 1 turn sarvangasana stack lengthways for chest use one of the blankets for head to help open chest after nirlamba or 2 cross legs on stack for back

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Laurie Saturday

As designated sequence writer, here's what i have with some help from mary :), let me know, another wonderful day of yoga in austin with the amazing laurie blakeney

Sat AM
vajrasana - gomukasana arms

dandasana - roll mat place horizontal in front of sit bones,  still sit bones on floor, back dropping knees slightly bent like some beginners, now press femur down into roll sit bones in air lift back body straighten legs, 3x

anantasana – line body, crawl arm forward, bend elbow hand behind ear look up, press deltoid down as if someone standing on deltoid, foot on inner thigh press with heel moving thigh into floor raise toe mound to press more strongly through heel, then hold toe with 2 fingers thumb not just hanging on with 2 fingers extend include extending with thumb, the foot stretches the arm, again: belt foot extend foot overhead circular through buttocks leg

parvrtta supta padangusthasana – anantasana take top leg forward hold outer foot with down arm and move shoulder toward foot to bring opposite shoulder down, extend other arm, keep hips perpendicular, arms active, upper arms still externally rotates

Jathara Parivartanasana - knees bent down to elbow, exhale on both going down and coming up, keep legs together again: legs straight to go down bent to go up, again: choose either knees bent down up, legs straight down bent up or straight down up

virasana – parvattasana

parvrtta trikonasana – as you go down keep top arm up and rotate as twist so hand faces the other direction, bottom arm slow underhand pitch, tall block may be better for shoulder movement, again: top hand on hip then raise

parivrtta ardha chandrasana – where is the top leg is it moving back, when bring the leg down look at foot placement, is it still centered, lower block for this
utkatasana – keeping shoulders over hips bend where possible, then can lean to ben more thighs parallel to floor, again: hold block between hands
prasarita padottanasana – hands under shoulders, hands in line with feet straight arms palms down which arm is harder give it a head start, head down, again without moving hands straighten arms

parsvottanasana - hands on blocks, again: hold wrist of front leg side to help move shoulder back don’t overdo, kiss shin, again: gomukasana arms don’t drop elbow keep in line with head


Sat PM

Swastikasana  - q&a  

Supta baddha konasana– narrow block between feet, belt feet around low sacrum,  vertical bolster blanket for head, pranayama

Supta Virasana - choose either supta virasana, supta padmasana or supta swastikasana, if you chose supta virasana think of the breath going in a vertical column for padmasana or swastikasana think of a triangle towards the perineum
Supta Padangusthasana I – lowest block at wall have belt, press feet into wall inner heels extend femur thighs down, lift leg, have leg perpendicular, pull leg over head with both arms straight don’t pull so much down extend overhead like a rubber band slowly you don’t want it to break, how much did down leg femur move up to do this, keep pressing foot into wall thigh down
Supta Padangusthasana III – holding strap near foot bend knee to side, have elbows out to side, straighten torso, hold foot have foot shin near body, lift head shoulders take elbow behind head, keep pressing foot into wall thigh down
Supta Padangusthasana II – straighten leg take out to side keep pelvis level, have ball of toes beyond heel , keep pressing foot into wall thigh down

Uttanasana - sit bones to wall, lean into wall, hold ankles or hold elbows, again: face wall, stand close to wall about 1 ½ foot distance bend down back on wall, hold ankles repeat both changing distance from wall you choose

eka pada sirsasana – come down change cross then
parsva eka pada sirsasana
eka pada sarvangasana
parsvaikapada sarvangasana
halasana –
take belt off
nirlamba I
– it helps to not use so many blankets for steadiness
nirlamba II

savasana – open blanket from sarvangasana fold, roll long, sit on end lay back heels on floor shoulders on either side, watch how the body leans which shoulder closer to floor even though both shoulders elevated, arms legs narrow to notice more imbalances, see imbalances and inability to totally let go

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Laurie Blakeney's Friday night class

wonderful! here's what i remember which may perhaps possibly be close to what was taught

Feet/ankle work:
vajrasana - press heels together to drop the inner thighs down, parvatasana in vajrasana
vajrasana with 1 foot on top of arch of other - this is a lot of fun
then toes toward each other ankles away
virasana - long blanket trifold horizontally across feet with feet well outside hips so hips sit down between feet, blanket gives more width
virasana - belt across top thighs then under ankles and buckled over thighs pull tight to help femur move down, drop away from belt, hands Shanmukhi Mudra

padmasana work:
legs up wall - 1 leg behind other like swastikasana on wall other leg padmasana, if knee far from wall move slightly away from wall, extend hips away from groins, extend the knees toward wall on the retention after the exhale. other leg, repeat, then both legs  arms overhead holding elbows, cut the abdomen in on exhale, dont lose on inhale
horizontal bolster, padmasana with knees on bolster - start with knees bent feet on bolster then padmasana arms overhead holding elbows, cut the abdomen in on exhale
vertical bolster with blanket for head - sit on floor about 4 in from bolster supta padmasana, if knees arent even add blanket under lower thigh to level
adho mukha svanasana

slanted blocks at wall - hands on blocks extend back hips to feet straightening arms, come up to ams raising both knees at the same time, lift heels then lower heels
measure for ardha adho mukha vrksasana , sit on floor feet to wall, flex toes to wall for measurement so legs move toward hips when up, place hands feet like uttanasana near hands bend knees hop think about landing back on floor same place silently, then hands remain where they are take feet to wall hip height be there then small hop on wall let feet hope off wall and come back to wall silently
slanted blocks at wall - hands fingers point to floor on blocks extend back hips toward feet straightening arms, come up to adho mukha svanasana raising both knees at the same time, lift heels then lower heels
bharadvajasana - sit on block side to wall, feet away from wall, feet side hand under opposite knee fingers toward legs, press down straighten arm hold block in other hand on wall, turn press block pressing other hand down to move shoulders away from wall, repeat with foot cross arch of virasana foot instead of below, wrap toes around foot
pada hastasana - stand on blanket, hands under feet separate forefinger middle finger so whole hand can go way under feet  straighten arms straighten legs

sirsasana - make T with blocks, tall block a little from wall flat block on top of tall block, fingers around tall block not gripping pressing wrists strongly into floor, blanket for head place head on blanket under top block, lift knees walk in pressing block evenly into back, go up keep heels on wall, you can bend knees slightly to help moving buttocks up
sarvangasana - fold mat in half at wall, sarangasana blankets on edge away from wall, feet on wall no strap, lift pressing heels to toes come to top of shoulders, sarvangasana walk hands down, then lifting take feet to wall up and over, walk feet down lifting buttocks more with each step, wrists should be ready back up to sarvangasana repeat
parsva sarvangasana - move setup away from wall have space for falling out as an option , move hand up to buttocks and then lower arm to blankets,  don't turn too far, line elbows torso legs ankles

pranayama - supine, block under sternum blankets for head higher than block

i love the way she explains things, good morning day 2!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Last weekend

  I attended manouso’s workshop over the weekend. Taking the intensity of 10 days in Pune and rearranging order and then compressing it into 3 days…whoa. Isn’t there some rule that Saturday afternoon has to be restorative, if there isn’t let’s make one. Every class, interlock hands don’t place the head down walk in middle back in as if my knee is in your back walk in at least 5x then head placed down then 1 leg up for urdhva prasarita eka padasan sirsasana. By Sunday the words interlace the fingers caused the room to have a group whimper, the smart people had a sudden bathroom urge.
Also sarvangasana,  in pune I loved the way she taught it, on very high blanket height folded where the elbows were in air, loved it but not this weekend, did not like, I do not like this sam I am, after much thought I have decided it’s the blankets yes that’s it, the blankets, he commented all weekend yes it’s the props it isn’t you, yes that’s right those blankets, and having the shoulders on approx  4 blanket height the feet on the floor and jump to sarvangasana from chatush, uh, anyway he came by pulling the rest of us up. Being in the asana seemed so difficult, last day last instruction move the middle back in almost sent me flipping over. A student near  me sat up and told the person next to her that was much harder than she remembered, yep.
  In the q&a he said that BKS Iyengar had been 57 (I can’t remember exactly but around there) when he met him, what?? I guess I had just not thought about that but yes he was in his older 90s and the sr teachers had studied with him around 40 years so …wow, it’s just hard to believe that he was almost 60 when all of this really started in the US, that was sort of mind blowing. Also as manouso talked about the change in his practice with aging, how the teachers were aging the students were usually older or there to repair after trying something else and how guruji used to teach 60 urdhva dhanurasanas in a class, a younger student said what about someone younger because really the teaching has changed as everyone aged including the teaching in pune, it was interesting because you could tell that he wished to be there for that teaching, and appreciated this teaching
  At the beginning of the workshop manouso said he would not just regurgitate geeta’s teaching. That hit a chord for me because I had been thinking about this for a long time. Years ago lori taught something which I thought was wonderful and I remember saying where did you learn that and she said ‘i was playing in my practice last night and I thought it was good and thought others would get something from it too’, I remember just looking at her like say again, say what, I guarantee you just don’t ever hear that, ever, if you ask where you learned that the answer is always so and so taught it, always, I actually didn’t know there was any other option. I figured the only reason she could say something this weird was that she had not gone through the teacher training so had not been beaten into that box. And then I went to carrie owerkos workshop, ahhhh she was beaten in and elbowed back which benefits us all. In prashants class ( I can say that now) oh yes when I was in prashants class he said we are like students keeping the text book clean everyone is so careful, I started laughing when he said that because that really hits the nail on the head, exactly, it’s taught go home practice it and regurgitate. Trust me I love regurgitation please regurgitate, but to never play ever never ever…lori and carrie write in the margins sideways but always from a place of knowledge, their text books aren’t new