Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day7 Geetaji gives us gifts on her birthday

  Pune and this habit I have of breathing are a very bad combination. Smells like smoke, hazy with smoke your skin feels like its coated with it, not ash, but a film of smoke, and then we passed people running in a marathon this morning on the way to the intensive, I wanted to tell them to go home right now or I would tell their mother, this is not healthy to be sucking this into your lungs for 26 mi

and then the intensive....

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Geeta, happy birthday to you

Abhi, Rajvi and Geetaji

Abhi, Rajvi and Geetaji
 Geetaji's birthday started this am with a Surprise!! Children from Pune and Mumbai came in to be taught yoga. So on Geetaji's birthday she started giving...she gave to these children an amazing fun class, she gave to us the ability to watch this incredible 70 yr old yogini teach a childrens class. 'Watch the teachers first do you think they can do, if they can't do I will give them a zero, you can do better than the teachers' 'Lift the arms like wings, when the bird takes flight they really lift their wings high, lift your wings'...phenominal

 Then there was a 30 minute break, and on her birthday she returned and continued to give to us, she taught over 1000 students from all over the world inversions and pranayama. Then there was the lunch break then the afternoon session. The schedule was for the sr teachers to do a q&a but they had said yesterday Geetaji would answer the questions instead, but I thought no it's her birthday, she's 70 surely she must rest and leave it for the sr teachers but no, she gave of herself for the afternoon session answering some great questions and some not so great questions but still she answered. There is no way to express my gratitude to this woman!

 Something funny she said yesterday when talking about the hand clasp she said to make room for your big head...hahaha truth with any interpretation

 Delightful Texan and Russian Dinner at the vegetarian restaurant at the marriott

Ekaterina, Vitaly Elena and I

We are all in our Tatyana assigned seats - Vitaly, Randy, Tatyana, Ekaterina, Greg, Elena, David and I

Elena and David - David won the most desserts contest

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