Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 1 of the Intensive

starting soon

  Wonderful day, Geetaji spoke of the loss of Guruji which we have all suffered, she said she had been ill and Guruji was ill and she had continued to talk about cancelling but Guruji would tell her 'No Cancelling' and so we sit gathered for this incredible event. I thought she looked very well, I had been concerned with hearing of how ill she had been this year but she looked good.

  She also spoke about the need for asana before pranayama she said Guruji speaking of the lightness in pranayama you need the lightness in jumping from urdhva hastasana to uttanasana to adho mukha svanasana, and how people have fear in pranayama but you must go through darkness to get to the light.
  We practiced standing poses. The class only requires 3 years of study so not raw beginners but still beginners who had found some stability. She called 3 men to the stage after parsvottanasana to show how their armpit chest did not open. She gave them corrections in Tadasana 'armpit forward' then   parsvottansana, we had been sitting in baddha konasana during their demonstration so she then had them do baddha konasana on a block then on the floor then using their hands to press the knees down for improvement. It was all very good but the savasana was just incredible, they are recording the event to make a dvd, I would buy it just for the savasana alone. She spoke a lot of the mouth cavity being open in savasana and tied in Krishna talking and the whole world was in his mouth, this was just a small piece of this amazing teaching.

 Lunch was good and then we went to the afternoon talk with Abhi.
 She told many great stories about Guruji. She said one time he was telling her move this, extend this, turn this and she came out of the pose and said she can't do all these things with just one brain and he said who is asking you to do them with your brain?

 Another wonderful day in India


  1. Hi Karen ! Thank you so much for doing this blog I feel like I am there with you and Tatyana! I look forward to reading it everyday and the pictures are great! Marianne

  2. Thank you for sharing your experiences .... :)
