Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy World Yoga Day!

Incredible weekend of yoga with this lovely couple at Yogasource in Santa fe

Dean taught saturday and I really liked his instruction in Parsvakonasana, i feel like i am locked in a miserable vise in that pose and i think i wasn't the only one struggling,  we did it again he had us let go of the back leg letting it come slightly forward then move the buttocks/groin forward and i could get a little movement then maintaining re-straighten the back leg, at least something happened instead of nothing, he also had us press the back leg foot and see how we came out of the front leg knee bend and then go down with the sit bone of the front leg and notice how we lost the back foot so he had us rock from 1 to the other a couple times then said now do both and with that extra awareness it seemed better. He also taught Towelasana with thumbs touching in that class... and a lot more.

Today Rebecca followed Geetaji's sequence merging it with some extra asanas, baddha konasana, cross feet (this is in Geetaji's int course) before the invocation and bhujangasana before urdhva mukha svanasana. She taught many gems, several from Geetaji's 60th Birthday celebration. In bhujangasana she taught to start with the hands straight forward, lift the chest allowing the hands to come where they naturally come from the lift then don't move them and go back down then in several stages bring the arms back 2" lift the chest go back down until the hands were in the classic position, this felt much better to me. The use of the hands in Ustrasana was great also with different positions on the back as we went into the pose, one was sorta bankers pose but the thumbs in the upper back instead of armpit. The Marichyasana III instruction to take the outer sit bones straight down and drill (an actual turning action) the inner sit bones into the blanket oh and on 1 of the attempts we placed a strap with a large loop on the straight leg calf then when we twisted we took the bent arm that was on the knee, straightened the arm and place the strap loop on the wrist allowing us to extend the fingers/arm and use the strap to turn...and a lot more.

Just a note, This workshop Rebecca has been reading from a book YAUGIKA MANAS by BKS Iyengar -a book on the yaugika manas (Yogic mind).

1 comment:

  1. more,that is still you may do something to expand on it.yhanks for sharing with us.I think I am going the clearness in your post is simple spectacular and I can take for granted you are an expert on the field.Well with your permission.Like your way of seeing this things. i'll be checking in on a regularly now....keep up the good work.

    Toshiba PVT-375BT
