Saturday, September 27, 2014

Manouso Sept 2014 Workshop in LA

Beautiful day in California! Picked up Erick headed to Primo in Santa Monica then lunch at my favorite patio Malibu Beach Inn. I then went with Erick to the 3rd street promenade zoo so he could get some errands done dropped him off and ahhhh yoga.

The workshop is packed, Marta said the studio holds 90 and this weekend was pushing that number, there is a great energy it's the studio birthday celebration and all the teachers are here taking the workshop, gloria goldberg plus the teachers i have been fortunate to take from here on previous trips scott hobbs, garth mcclean, marla apt, lisa walford... all students in his class. A moment of silence, invocation and chant to the guru...beautiful

i will upload the sequence and my notes to the database. The workshop has been really incredible. Fri night we spent time moving the femur away from the skin toward the hamstring plus worked on some teachings from Birjoo Mehta from the san diego convention dropping the hamstrings down, releasing them down in trikonasana and parsvakonasana. Sat AM he spent some time using the chest to move the shoulders and Sat PM he spent some time in asana working on moving the chin to release the brain away from the brow followed by a deep savasana.

Met erick for lunch at real food daily and an important stop at vanilla bake shop in santa monica then dashed back to the studio.

tonight i attended the 30 Year anniversary of the opening of the Iyengar Yoga Institute. Scott Hobbs, Manouso Manos and Lisa Walford spoke. There was a children's class demo then Gloria Goldberg received the Lighting The Way award, it was special to be here for that presentation. They showed film from Gurujis visits here in 1984, 1990 and 2005...they had a clip of the teachers teaching and Guruji would walk room from room correcting them...Scott Hobbs with Guruji was hilarious but a woman was teaching in another room and Guruji would stop and say 'there she goes again, she keeps talking, not talking is more than talking...then in a few minutes her voice would start from the other room and Guruji would stop and look up and say she won't stop talking' ... so funny!!!

below - the next generation, Koren Paalmna shows some of her students from the kids class ages 5-14
 below - Scott Hobbs, Gloria Goldberg and Manouso Manos - Manouso Manos presents the Lighting The Way award to Gloria Glodberg

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