Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I went to a class a few days ago and there were only 2 students so on the way out of the studio i turned to the other student and said i was so glad she came since i didn't like being the only student, she said really i love when that happens, we both then looked at each other with the same you are so weird look on our faces.

This did make me think about why i don't like to be the only student, i guess if you just think about a private class it would sound nice, I think a large part is i like the journey of the class, the sequence that moves in a direction to cooling, warming, calming, energized or just a particular opening, i enjoy this trip. So spending that time talking about me although a fascinating subject, what could be more interesting, but after 10 minutes or so it's even boring me to death. So the teacher either asks me what i would like to work on which is whatever sequence they had planned is what i want to work on or they just decide to teach the sequence they had planned which to me is the best, but somehow it still feels more outward in this situation, more of an exhibition. I obviously need to figure out some way where this situation is just good instead of my initial reaction of maybe they won't notice if i just leave.

speaking of class journeys, lori and i practiced john schumachers 5/22/2008 audio from ihanuaman today, when he said adho mukha vrksasana we practiced it the way Arunji taught it in Austin holding the rope between the feet.

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