Laurie Blakeney in Austin
Just a lovely weekend workshop with ms blakeney!
Marj, Jeff, Laurie and Anne - several ann arbor t-shirts in austinme, Mary, Laurie, Anne, Charley
LeeAnn, me, Mary Laurie, Anne, Charley
Marj, Susanne and Peggy - Dallas!
Here are a few things we practiced, no not in order - Mary and Melissa helped demo for the pics, Thank You!!
This is from Saturday afternoon - wanna wake up your thighs, this should do it
sit on bolster, place 1 leg in virasana 1 leg bent, now move off (this was just for ease in getting in)
1) foot on floor
2) foot on low block (don't come out in between have the block so you can reach)
3) block on medium height
4) pull knee in
5) flat wide block under both buttocks
Adho Mukha Virasana - 2 medium height blocks with blanket on top
elbows on blanket back of hand on bolster - partner gently move thumb pads down toward bolster while extending arms toward them while doer extends back through hips
And now for some hopping -
measure, the head will go between where the feet are - up touch wall with toe tips down up down...
the partner places their hand on the shoulders to not allow them closer to the wall
pranayama - 2 blocks about an inch from the bolster or no space depending on you
hand down by bodywithout moving elbows bend the arms, some may need blanket under each wrist/hand or under entire length of elbow to hand, she added a shelf fold blanket on top of bolster for me
couple things from today
Parivrtta Trikonasana - rope loop around shoulder, hold tight strap try to go across the elbow sort of hooking it with the strap,
now turn hips hips hipsnow arms arms arms
Chatush - 2 blocks flat hip width apart mat folds over with extra to catch with hands