Monday, November 30, 2015


Bangalore Arrival

We are here! Exhausted... i have to get reacquainted with the driving since the minute the driver started backing up at the airport as a car was behind us and i felt my stomach flip i knew it was gonna be a long ride to the hotel. Someone hit the drivers car, a very light hit but unmistakable, which caused both to park which increased the honking by about 10 fold because this was crimping the style of the chaos, this meant a long time of them arguing while walking to look at our car then walking to look at the other car.

   The pic below shows the incident occurred as 20 cars decided they could squeeze onto the right side of that curb at the exact minute they got within 2" of the curb where they would just easily meld into stopped traffic ...and just after this pic was taken, a bus stopped at the right of us and let people out just in the middle of the me you had to be there!! funny enough the insurance adjuster did not ever show up, eventually the man who hit our car reached in his pocket and handed our driver cash and we left.

 But then, the arrival at the oasis of another beautiful hotel in India


Thursday, November 19, 2015

  John Schumacher

  Tatyana sent me this great pic they took after the class sunday - mary, tatyana, john, susanne

 A few thoughts on the workshop.

 On Friday we did standing forward bends. In urdhva prasaritta ekapadasana once the leg was up, he said now throw the leg and said like the release of the grip of the ball when you throw. Throw not in a haphazard wild pitch way but to release the grip on the leg with's that for a nugget.

 On Sunday, he continued the same leg work through the entire workshop, and i found turn the ankle in, press from the outer knee to the mid outer skirt of the foot and move the top shin in and back in urdhva dhanurasana to bring great firmness and grounding to the legs and feet. As we were resting in between urdhva dhanurasanas, he said people ask him how long they should wait between them and he tells them the minute the mind thinks of anything else it's time for another one. To me this is not a nugget, this is a gem boulder he placed in my hands, to use the fluctuations of the mind as a tool for your practice, an asset, not to continue with this wandering mind and in my case, most of the time, wander right off my mat but have that be a direct trigger to 1 more.

it was great